
The Incredebly Specific Movie Review Site



Dr. Strangelove

Evil Dead 2

Idle Hands

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Greetings, and welcome to Cinemanautotentatiology.

We at Cinemanautotentatiology are dedicated to giving you the finest, unbiased reviews of only the best movies to come out unto out cenematic landscape. How do we determine which movies are the ones suitable for the finer tastes, worthy of being culled from the wasteland that is your local Cineplex and/or Home Theatre Rentory? Why the answer is astonishing in its simplicity; we merely discovered the single variable, the one x-factor common to all films universally recognised for excellence, and have made it prerequisite for an opportunity to be reviewed on this site.

The obvious question arises: what is this attribute? Well, dear reader, as the title suggests, all these films are united by their being manautotentatic. This is the key that separates the greats, the one thing that even the Oscars overlook, but cannot escape the wily eye of this company.

Still confused? Don't be. The mission statement should be clear:

"We At Cinemanautotentatiology Will Only Review Movies In Which A Character Is Beaten, Assaulted, Injured, Or Otherwise Maimed, By His Or Her Own Hand"

So go forth, viewing public! Select the opus of your choice from the bar at left, and be ready to rejoice, for verily, greatness will follow!

The ratings.

For films with the quality and greatness worthy to receive the symbol of universal acceptance colloquially known as the 'thumbs up'

Index Finger

Reserved for the best example of cinemanautotentation out there. This may be moved around over time, as new movies are released or discovered.

Middle Finger

Now, it is well documented that a hand attack can make even the worst movie good, but that doesn't excuse us from noting that it's almost a terrible movie. Hence, this.

Ring Finger

At a distance indistinguishable from the middle finger, these are films missing something, perhaps snappy diolougue, perhaps a tendon that let's it move on its own, perhaps a plot.


These are the films that no one really cares about. Certainly, one wouldn't want to go out and destroy them all, but you wouldn't dispair to lose it for a chance at a new car.

Incedently, you may want to know that you are visitor number 657. We appreciate your patronage.